Fortnite: Save the World
Hardsuit Labs
3rd Person PvE Co-op Looter Shooter
Unreal 5
Senior Level Designer
Contributed to several content releases by implementing level blockouts, objectives, loot placement, and set dressing of The Lab dungeon
Owned the design and implementation from conception for the Brawl of The Wild Questline in a live game
Gathered feedback from team during playtests to help identify improvements
Created documentation to outline common workflows and troubleshooting for common Fortnite: Save the World Content
PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox X
The Lab Dungeon
The Lab Dungeon was the 5th dungeon in the game but the first piece of new content that Hardsuit Labs worked on for Epic. This was not only an opportunity to make something great for the community but also our shot to impress Epic with what we could do. While we didn’t have any art support we were allowed to use assets that already existed as long as they didn’t belong to non-Epic IPs. This worked out in our favor as we needed to ship it in only a few months. Like all dungeons it needed a boss, traps, randomized enemy spawns, and lots of loot.
Iterated on the Dungeon blockout
Implemented loot, enemy spawners, objectives, and traps
Gathered playtest feedback
Mentored other designers with regard to workflow and design
Figured out how dungeons were made by reverse engineering other dungeons and speaking with Epic developers
Brawl of the Wild Questline
A new feature called Wildlife was to be released and to introduce it to the community we needed a new questline. We were under a short timeline so it needed to re-use existing mission types while also teaching some new mechanics related to wildlife. Like all other quests it also needed new VO and rewards.
Iterated on several quest ideas and worked with the Lead Designer to find the best ones
Implemented all aspects of the questline
Worked with writers on the quest VO
Collaborated with other departments to gather required assets such as quest icons
Workflow Documentation
Something we ran into was a severe lack of documentation on how to build content and utilize the tools. When possible we could reach out to Epic developers but often this legacy knowledge was lost when developers left. We were a small team and knew if we did nothing that this problem would appear again and again. As we worked on new content we would also create documentation on how that content should be made. In addition we created outlines for good workflows in the engine and troubleshooting steps when problems would arise.
Wrote several documents on content creation, workflows, and troubleshooting options.
This documentation is still in use.
Created images, gifs, and videos to help communicate steps
Built a tool with the Blueprint Utility Widget system that made it easier to evaluate the types of treasure in a Dungeon
The tool is still in use.